Thursday, April 14, 2016

Between Spectrums

What People Say About You

Have you ever wondered what people are saying about you without you around? Do they say kind things or do they only point out your flaws? I sometimes felt that way. There was even one time when I was giving a testimony and then I felt that people think I'm a joke. I felt my testimony was poorly executed and it was bad. But after letting myself have a not so great moment of feeling emotion, I came to the conclusion that it's okay. In the church I go to, it doesn't matter how you say your testimony, what matters is that you got up and said it. I also know that the people I know are good and they're friends.

Sometimes autistic people are aware of what people say about them without them knowing. They may have a disability but they're not stupid. They do understand and if they're sensitive or choose to be sensitive they'll have hurt feelings hurt by the words you say. If you don't want to be the jerk that causes them emotional pain, I suggest you get to know them before you make any judgement call. For the autistic, I know it's hard not to think that people are talking about you. But one thing to understand is that people can be jerks but they can also be friends who only think highly of you. If you choose see yourself in a negative way then you'll think that people see you in a negative way. But if you see yourself in a positive way than you'll think that people do think about you in a positive way. So be positive and don't let the words (said and unsaid) of people get you down.

Tay Gallagher  

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