Thursday, May 21, 2015

Between Spectrums

Opening Doors to New Worlds

Hey Readers

Sorry that it took a while. I was trying to find something to write about. But now I found the inspiration.

A while ago I watched a TV movie about Temple Grandin,  It showed certain points in her live leading up to her talking about autism. When she was expelled from college she went to a boarding school so that she can gain some education. She was having a tough time understanding things. Then it was discovered by her teacher Dr. Carlock, that she is a visual learner. With that in mind, her teachers helped her and she excelled in science. Then she goes back to college with her major in animal husbandry, study of livestock. At first she didn't want to go back to college but Dr. Carlock said "Think of it as a door to new world". So after college she goes to the slaughter house and it was there that she noticed that the cows behavior, like going in circles. She decided to have her thesis to be about the behavior of cows. But after sneaking in the slaughter house she was banned from entering. So it was then that she entered to a new door and wrote about her studies on the livestock. So with a pass she was able to go to the slaughter house and continue her studies. Then after being well known about her articles, She was hired to design a more humane way to give the cows the calm they need as they are about to be slaughtered. But there were people who ruined the design because they didn't see it importance of it which caused Temple to be angry. Then she went to a slaughter house and convinced the people of the slaughter house that her design would helped out in the process. It proved to be very useful. Then she went to an autism convention and from an outburst she talked her autism and what she personally knows about autism. She is now a professor of animal science in Colorado State University and goes to autism conventions to discuss autism.

When I was a kid I would sometimes run around and seem to talk to myself. I'm not crazy I it just means that I have an imagination to create characters and adventures of the said characters. It wasn't until I was 16 around August 2007, That I started to my first book. Which led to writing sequels to it and coming up with more ideas for books. Then it was around 2011 that I decided to write a TV series and get ideas for TV shows. Then as soon as I got back from my mission I decided to write a movie and get movie ideas. From what started from writing a book it led to the dream of being a jack of all trades of writing. It wasn't till a year later that my parents wanted me to write a blog about my experiences with my autistic traits. I was hesitant about the idea because I didn't want to mislead anyone into to thinking I'm autistic or aspergers because I'm not. But after thinking about it I wanted to inspire people so with some help, I'm now writing to inspire.

Like Temple and myself, people with autism or autistic traits can open doors to new worlds that they're interested in and they can make excellent careers from them. We just need to encourage them to open the said doors. Everyone has the potential to be incredible in their chosen fields we just need to show them where the door is at.

I would recommend the movie "Temple Grandin"  if you want to know more about Temple Grandin's life. If you have any questions just comment below. Also feel free to check out the Facebook page.

Thank you for your time
Tay Gallagher

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