Thursday, March 26, 2015

Between Spectrums

About the Blog and Me

Hello, my name is Tay Gallagher. I'm 23 years old, currently going to college for a Creative Writing major, I work as a transporter and field staff for a wilderness therapy program for troubled teens, I was born in Colorado but moved to a variety of places, and I'm the oldest of six and enjoying it. And as you are probably wondering about the title, even though I'm a regular person I have developed autistic and asperger traits when I was young. Now I don't want to mislead anyone to think that because of these traits I'm incapable of things. I am capable of many things including how to start a conversation, do laundry, wash dishes, use electronics, etc., and I'm smart enough to solve problems by myself. There are still small things to work on I admit, but as I do what needs to be done I can do those things as well.

I rarely tell people about my traits because I didn't want people to look down on me, think I'm not that smart, or think of me as someone who actually has autism or aspergers when in reality I don't. I'm not one nor the other but someone who is in the middle someone who is Between Spectrums. Because of wanting to be normal and do normal things like normal people I wouldn't mention my traits. So when my parents suggest that I should do a blog about my experiences to help inspire autistic people I was a little hesitant because I didn't want to be out of the open for people to read about. But I came to the conclusion that by doing a blog, I can help those with autism, aspergers, ADHD, or anything in the spectrum to see that they are more than their limitations.

When I was young, someone once asked me "Are you aspergers?" I replied "No I'm Tay". And that's true, you are not autistic, or aspergers, or anything. You are you and that's what matters. Hopefully as I continue this blog you can have something to show someone you know and love that their limitations don't limit them but make them limitless. Now if you have any questions or comments about the blog, or autism you can for now post them on the Facebook page,

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