Between Spectrums
Preparing for the New Year
We all have goals to achieve, whether it's physical or spiritual, and we work towards to making them a reality. We reach for our lifetime goals as we focus on our short term goals. As the new year approaches, we make new year resolutions and changes that we need to make. This year I'm making changes to make my life easier as a college student and as a person. Normally I'm the type of person that makes goals but not working on them. The reason being is that I didn't have enough motivation. But as the new year comes I'm going to be more motivated if I want to get the goals I set for myself. Along with motivation, the goals also need to be realistic. What I mean by realistic is that make sure that you can achieve it. Having a short term realistic goal can help lead you to the main goal you're wanting to achieve.
People with autism also have goals they want to go for. Some want to be singers, writers, athletes, businessmen, actors, etc. But sometimes either laziness or lack of motivation can get in the way of that. In some cases they can distract themselves with things to past their time. Like going on their computer, or watching TV, playing games, or just sitting around. So how can you help them to reach for their goals? Here's a step by step system that you can do and add a step or two depending on how your friend or relative's needs are.
Step 1: What's up? - Asking them why they don't work towards their goals can really help a lot. It could be that they don't know where to start or don't really want to do the work. Whatever the reason, you can ask to see what's holding them back.
Step 2: Plan it out: Some autistic people need a guide to do they things they need to do. Sometimes having a list or plan where they can see it can help out a lot. Have them plan out their goals and dates of when they should accomplish their goals and give them little reminders once in a while.
Step 3: Starting small - Having small realistic goals can go a long way to achieve their lifetime goals. So if the want to go to college, they can start small by having the goal to finish high school. If they want to loose weight, they can start by going to the gym weekly or start to eat healthier. Or if they want to get into sports, you can encourage them to practice for whatever time is more comfortable for them.
Step 4: Level up - Once they reach their small term goals they can set a much bigger goal to work toward. Which could be write a book, finish a project, or whatever can allow them to grow.
Step 5: Start again - When their goals are accomplish they can make more goals to work toward with your help or by themselves. If they can do it alone then it's awesome. But if they still need you, then do what you think you can do to help.
Hope that helps out as you start your resolutions for the new year. May you find the goals that you can do, work towards, and accomplish.
Thank you for your time
Tay Gallagher